We've had a few teams reach out to us concerning everyone being able to get their matches in.
We decided to take a week of playoffs out and use that week to have another week of play!
This will qualify more teams for Tri-cups. The teams in playoffs will only play one round and the winners of the 4 team that play will go to Tri-cups.
The high point team will still go directly to Tri-Cups.
This will be how we do it going forward for all sessions.
Next session will be 16 weeks so it will be no problem getting everyone qualified for playoffs and Tri-cups (minimum 6 matches played).
The MVP and percentage plaques will now be required to have 8 matches in to be qualified (after summer). That will be half of the schedule Matches.
We will start mailing out patches to the captains so we can get them to the players in a timely manner.
We will be having some fun tournaments coming up soon! They are posted here
October we'll have a Halloween/Breast Cancer Awareness
We will have raffles, beat the league operator and a costume contest.
24 bracket Scotch Double - 9 ball format Skill Cap 11
$30.00 per person
The Weekly team fees will be increasing $1 per player, making the weekly team fees $45.
We will be adding more patches Rackless,20-0 shut out, I beat the league operator.
We will also be adding more money for travel assistance for Vegas teams and more payouts for tricups. This increase is needed due to inflation since Covid. We are working on having some fun and Fundraiser tournaments.